
hishuk Ish ts'awalk
everything is one

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Tourism and Economic Development
Bryan Cofsky
[email protected]

Nitinaht Visitor Centre/General Store
May 1-Sept 30

Nitinaht Lake Motel
May 1-Sept 30
[email protected]

West Coast Trail 3rd Entrance Orientation Centre
Nitinaht Visitor Centre/General Store
250-745-3999 (May 1-Sept 30)

Windsurf Campsite
Inquiries at Nitinaht Visitor Centre/General Store
250-745-3999 (May 1-Sept 30)

Ditidaht Nation IRA
[email protected]

Contact List

Chief and Council


Current Council 

Judi Thomas – Chief Councillor – [email protected]

Terry Edgar – Councillor – [email protected]

Tina Joseph – Councillor – [email protected]

Karen Mack – Councillor – [email protected]

Derek Thompson – Councillor – [email protected]


Administrator – Interim Administrator – VACANT- [email protected]

Accounts Payable – Estelle Fraser – [email protected]

Office Manager – Karen Mack – [email protected]

Admin. Assistant – Vacant – [email protected]

Reception – Vacant – [email protected]


Chief Negotiator – Jack Thompson – [email protected]

Negotiator – Robert Joseph – [email protected]

Coordinator – Shelley Chester – 250.755.7824 – [email protected]

Communications – Dennis Thomas – 778-421-3082

Communications – Laura Peltier – 250-588-2951 – [email protected]


Community Services 

250-745-3333             Toll Free: 1-888-454-0022

Community Service Manager – Grace Marshall  – [email protected]

Social Development – Julianna Chester

Family Care Worker – VACANT

Prevention Social Worker – VACANT –

Community Health Representative / Patient Travel Clerk – Samantha Edgar – [email protected]

Elder Coordinator – Melony Thomas – [email protected]  [email protected]  


CS Receptionist – Esther Edgar – [email protected]

Housing Department – 250-745-3333

Housing Manager – Chris Barker – [email protected]

Lands Department 250-745-3333

Lands Manager – Monty Horton – [email protected]

Referrals [email protected]

Lands Officer Position (trainee position) – [email protected]

Lands Receptionist  – [email protected]

Natural Resource Office 250-745-3213 or 250-745-3214

Director of Natural Resource – Paul M Sieber – [email protected]

Fisheries Manager – Paul Tate – [email protected]

Public Works 250-745-8191

Director of Infrastructure – Mikhael Swityk – [email protected]

Public Works Manager – Matthew Edgar – [email protected]

Nitinaht Visitor Center

Manager, Nitinaht Lake Motel 1-888-745-3844 [email protected]

Nitinaht Store and Café – 250-745-3999


Education Director – VACANT – [email protected] 250-745-3313

Principal – Emily MacLennan [email protected] – 250-745-3223

Daycare – Tracy Peter [email protected] 250-745-3313

Recreation Worker – Program is run through both Community Services and Ditidaht Community School.

Adult Education / Post-Secondary Education[email protected]