
dubayaax a ts'awalk
everything is one


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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Thank you to those members who reside outside of Malachan for taking the time to pick up the grocery cards on Saturday.  Council will continue to look for financial resources to assist you through the COVID19 pandemic.

For Malachan residents, we have been doing a weekly food distribution to reduce the number of trips made to town, as well as reduce the chance of bringing the virus into the community.

The next food distribution will be Thursday, April 16th.

Effective immediately, we are also going to have staff and volunteers at the 3-way intersection (Big Bridge junction) to have visitors and tourists stopped from coming into the community. If you are not a regular resident in Malachan, we will be asking you to turn around and you will not be allowed access into the community. These safety measures are taken in order to keep our community safe.

Thank you.

DFN Chief, Council & Staff