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COVID 19 Update – April 21, 2020

April 21, 2020

Re:       COVID19 Update

From:  Chief and Council

The newest update from Dr. Henry is there may be easing off on some restrictions as early as mid-May, but only if the province continue to see a decline in coronavirus cases.

We would like to thank the community for ensuring that we are all following the safety precautions of social distancing (staying within 6 feet of people that don’t normally reside in your home) and to continue advising you to wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands.

We are continuing to do our weekly food distribution and we would like to thank the team and volunteers for the work they are doing to make this happen.

Food Distribution will be Thursday, April 23, 2020 – 8:00 am to 9:00 am for elders and 9:00 am to 4:30 pm for the rest of our Malachan residents.  

We continue to seek your cooperation in limiting your travel to town to once a week at the most.

To protect everyone in the community, the entrance to Malachan will continue to be monitored and visitors will be turned around.  If this is not abided, the vehicle license plate and name of the driver will be forwarded to the RCMP.  Thank you to those who are out monitoring – it is working as a few vehicles have turned around once they see the monitoring crew.

We thank you for your patience.  We are all working together to be able to lift some of the health restrictions for COVID19.

A special thank you to Darryl Tate, Paul Tate and Garrett Edgar and the fish processing crews – Mike Peter, Michael Edgar, Wayne Tate and Josh Tate for all your long hours of work to get food fish out to members.

Please continue to stay informed through our official Ditidaht First Nation Facebook page@ditidahtfirstnationofficial  and our Ditidaht First Nation website ( for updates.

Thank you.