
dubayaax a ts'awalk
everything is one


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04.16.2020 COVID19 Update

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Re:          COVID19 Update

From:    Chief and Council

The Provincial State of Emergency for BC had been extended until April 28, 2020.  Please continue to watch for updates following that date.

We would like to thank the community for ensuring that we are all following the safety precautions of social distancing (staying within 6 feet of people that don’t normally reside in your home) and wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands.

We are continuing to do our weekly food distribution and we would like to thank the team and volunteers for the work they are doing to make this happen.  If there is something you need, please advise the staff/volunteers of your request of food items for the next weeks’ grocery shop.

We ask that community members limit their trips to town and, if possible, do not go to town at all.  Please ensure all safety measures are followed if you must go into town.

This will be our first door to door notice that, for safety reasons, will be left on your door.

To protect everyone in the community, the entrance to Malachan is now being monitored and visitors will be turned around. If this is not abided, the vehicle license plate and name of the driver will be forwarded to the RCMP, so please, if you do not normally reside in Malachan, do not come to visit or go fishing at this time.

We all need to work together to ensure that we are protecting our elders, children, and community members that reside at Malachan.

With that, Tina Joseph and family were moving home before the COVID19 crisis and we would like to welcome her family into the community after her baby is born. The family will be following every safety measure as they have been following while in town.

Thank you everyone for your patience.

If you have any questions, please call 250-745-331. The Emergency Operations Centre is up and running at the Community Services building and we are all doing our best to help the community to stay safe.

Please be advised that for our members that reside in urban areas or other communities, we have been submitting proposals in order to provide food security during this time. The Fisheries department will continue to fish and distribute the catch as quickly as possible. Gift cards have been provided to members who live in urban areas or other communities outside of Malachan.

Please continue to stay informed through our official Ditidaht First Nation Facebook page and our Ditidaht First Nation website ( for updates.

Thank you.