
dubayaax a ts'awalk
everything is one


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Community Engagement Session Announcements

Community Engagement Session Announcement The Ditidaht First Nation will be holding 3 community engagement sessions (Malachan, Port Alberni and Nanaimo). We encourage all members to attend these sessions to provide input into the development. Dinner will be...

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New password protected area for Ditidaht Members

Just like on our old website (, our new website ( has a password protected area that contains treaty updates and other important information. By now you should have received an email that explains the simple steps to follow to create your...

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New Nitinaht Region website: everything in one place

Our new website has three parts: tourism, economic development and member information. This site is the ‘go to’ place for information about what’s happening in our region and in our Nation. Have an item for the community calendar? Want to add something to...

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