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cov19 community and staff.SAC second review..April 1 2020

April 1, 2020

Attention:        Ditidaht Community Members & Staff

From:              Chief and Council

Re:                  COVID19 Update


Due to the update from Adrian Dix (Minister of Health) and Dr. Bonnie Henry (BC Provincial Health Officer) on COVID19, it looks like a zero chance of normal life in British Columbia for the next while with the number of cases hitting 1000 and counting, including 19 in long-term care facilities/assisted living facilities. They stressed that no one is immune, but everyone can make a difference. Recoveries in BC now sit at almost exactly half of total cases.

We strongly encourage everyone to practice the social distancing when you need to go out for essential services.  And wash your hands, wash your hands and wash your hands. If someone is ill or has any of the symptoms, they need to quarantine at home for 10 days.

Chief and Council have made the decision that there will be no more than five (5) staff in each office building at one time at Community Services and Administration. We will be open Monday through Friday at Community Services from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm as of April 6, 2020.  Administration will be open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. The practice of social distancing will be enforced.  Only one community member in an office building at a time.

The daycare will open for daycare services for employees only effective April 6, 2020 and that there will be no more than 7 children.  NRO and Fisheries staff will be working and if you need to contact them please phone Community Services for email information.

We strongly recommend that elders and children do not travel outside the community during this time.  If they must, we ask that it only be for essential purposes. This is for your health and safety and as we are a semi-remote community, we are trying to keep everyone safe during this time. If any of our elders need groceries or essential items, please send a family member to or contact Community Services to let them know.

Thank you to everyone for working together to keep our community safe as possible during this pandemic that every individual across the Country is dealing with. If you must go shopping for essential items, please notify the Emergency Operations Centre (Jeneen Hunt) at 250-745-3331 or 250-745-3572 that you are leaving the community.