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cov19 funding information.SAC review April 1 2020

April 1, 2020

Attention:        Ditidaht Members

From:              Chief and Council

Re:                  COVID19 Update


Due to the update from Adrian Dix (Minister of Health) and Dr. Bonnie Henry (BC Provincial Health Officer) on COVID19, it looks like a zero chance of normal life in British Columbia for the next while with the number of cases hitting 1000 and counting, including 19 in long-term care facilities/assisted living facilities. They stressed that no one is immune, but everyone can make a difference. Recoveries in BC now sit at almost exactly half of total cases.

We strongly encourage everyone to practice the social distancing when you need to go out for essential services.  And wash your hands, wash your hands and wash your hands. If someone is ill or has any of the symptoms, they need to quarantine at home for 10 days.

Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) has provided each First Nation community with financial aid during the COVID19 pandemic. These funds are to assist in Emergency Management and Income Assistance for the Ditidaht First Nation, but unfortunately, the funds provided are for members that reside on the Malachan Reserve at Nitinaht Lake.  Chief and Council are working with our Fisheries Department to provide some food source for all members on and off reserve – this will take time and we ask you to be patient.

The Emergency Management fund can support incremental related costs to the Emergency Operations Centre, shipping of food or other necessities, continuation of essential services, social and cultural supports and costs to meet the needs of vulnerable persons in isolation. Ditidaht, as a semi-remote community, would like to continue keeping the community safe and we ask at this time that there be no visitors who normally do not reside in the community. Only essential services contractors will be allowed during this time.

Some links for your information:

Health information

ISC Information

Please watch for posts on how the Government will assist off reserve me