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Latest news
Hobiton Triangle: Canada’s newest canoe adventure – coming soon
Only a handful of the hardiest adventurers have experienced the HOBITON Lakes Chain, a 3-5-day, 38 km tour. This self-guided and guided tour will allow everyday adventurers to experience one of the most scenic and remote canoe routes anywhere. This is a joint project...
New third entrance offers new ways to hike the trail
Reserve your spot on the West Coast Trail today. Hikers wanting a shorter trip can now start at the halfway point by using the Nitinaht Lake Entry Point and head to Bamfield or Renfrew. Learn more here.
Comfort camping = Comfortable adventure and dry socks
Now it is possible to experience smaller segments of the West Coast Trail, thanks to the “weekend warrior” and “comfort camping” options offered by the Ditidaht First Nation. Learn more here.