
dubayaax a ts'awalk
everything is one


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05.26.2020 COVID 19 Update


As we are now effectively into Phase 2 of the Recovery Plan from COVID-19 we wanted to provide an update of some recent steps in the recovery plan.

The Ditidaht Community School will re-open on June 1st, 2020, and the Asaabuus Daycare has re-opened only for the children who have parents that need to return to work for Phase 2.

Food Distribution – we would like to thank every member for helping with this pandemic crisis and staying home as much as possible. For safety of members living in Ditidaht community a weekly food distribution was provided.

The last day of food distribution will be Wednesday, June 10, 2020.

 Please note that the food distribution has moved to the Ditidaht Community Hall for the next three (3) Thursdays. Elders 8:00 to 9:30 am and general membership 9:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Thank you to the many volunteers to make this food distribution happen.

For our urban/off reserve members we had the one-time distribution of cards that were handed out or mailed via Canada Post. Unfortunately, we were not approved by Indigenous Services Canada on the proposal submitted for further funding to assist our members off reserve, although, with the recent federal government announcement of $75 million for Indigenous community organizations, we hope we hear soon on more programs that may assist our off-reserve members.

Monitoring of Malachan – we would like to say a special thank you to the monitoring crews during the pandemic crisis. This will be the last week of daily monitoring.

EFFECTIVE for the month of June

  • monitoring of the entrance to Malachan will only be done on weekends

Fishing Crew – thank you to our fishing crew who was out fishing for Ditidaht

  • members and who are continuing to fish with plans for further food-fish distribution.

As BC continues the restart plan, some protective measures include:

  • Physical distancing and hygiene guidelines
  • Banning mass gathering of more than 50 people to reduce the risk of outbreaks
  • Reducing in classroom learning and child-care
  • Restricting visitors to health care and assisted living facilities to protect some of our most vulnerable

We strongly encourage members to practise the following safety measures:

  • Stay at home and keep a safe distance from family when you have cold or flu symptoms. Including: coughing, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat and fatigue
  • No handshaking or hugs outside of your family
  • Practice good hygiene, including:
  • Regular hand washing
  • Avoid touching your face
  • Covering coughs and sneezes
  • Disinfect frequently touched surfaces

Keep physical distancing, as much as possible when in the community and town; and where possible use a non-medical mask or face covering.

Please note, many stores require the use of a face mask, so please be prepared.