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Notice- September 27-19 DFN Elk Tag Draw 2019-20

Ditidaht First Nation

PO Box 340 Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7M8 Tel: (250)745-3333 Fax: (250)745-3332 Toll Free: 1-888-745-3366 email: [email protected]

Notice: DFN- Elk Hunting Endorsement/ Tags Draw 2019/20. Draw Date is September 27,2019
September 18, 2019

There are 3- Elk Hunting Endorsement/Tags available to the Ditidaht Hunters by draw for the 2019/20 hunting season. All Ditidaht members that put their name in for the draw must have a valid Firearms Certificate.

These Elk hunting Endorsement/Tags are issued to Ditidaht First Nation each year by the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development.

This notice will be sent out in the DFN Community newsletter on September 18/19 and posted on the DFN Facebook Page.

Please e-mail in your name/information to Paul Sieber [email protected] or call the DFN Administration front desk. I will need faxed or e-mailed-photocopies of your firearm certificates and drivers’ licenses before September 27/19. If, I do not receive this information your name will not be entered in the draw.

The draw will happen on September 27th in the DFN Administration office by Facebook video.

Please submit your name to at the earliest opportunity.

I will away from my office September 23rd to 26th.

Thank you,

Paul M. Sieber

DFN Natural Resource Manager