
dubayaax a ts'awalk
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July 26, 2021


A Western Canada Marine Response Corporation (WCMRC) community engagement meeting will be held here at the Community Hall on August 24th at 10:00am at the Community Hall. –Lunch will be served.

The WCMRC-Indigenous Advisor, Lincoln Heaney and the Alberni Response Base Readiness Specialist will be doing a presentation on the role of WCMRC B.C. Coastwide on oil spill response and to engage the community members with boats, community members, Elders, staff on the possibility of oil spill response training to protect Nitinat Lake in the event of a future oil spill in DFN Territory.

All those community members who are interested in oil spill response plans/measures/training are encouraged to attend.

Hope to see you all there,


Paul M. Sieber

DFN Natural Resource Manager